


Could provide a school kit, which includes a uniform, shoes, school bag, exercise book, pencils and a mathematics set

Could help feed 5 girls with nutritional meals so they can continue with their education.

Could pay for a girl's education up to the high school level for up to a year.




£5 a month over a year could pay for one month’s tuition for a girl at a catch-up centre

£10 a month over a year could provide a schoolbag, books and pencils for five girls

£15 a month over a year could supply vouchers for a family in the UK to ensure kids don't go hungry every month

Help a child in need

There are many children in great
need dur to war, famine and
displacement. Your donation
can change a child’s life for better!

Sponsor A Child

Every child deserves to have hope in life by having the opportunity to go to school, eat nutritious food and drink clean water. Whenever you sponsor a child with Hope Missions, you give the child and families in dire needs a bright future.
Anytime you sign up to become a sponsor a child with Hope Mission, you’ll be building a new sponsorship and friendship with a boy or girl in one poorest countries in the world. There will be a friendship that you’ll treasure forever, knowing you have made a difference to a child.
Many children have dreams for life but through no fault of theirs, they often wonder if their dreams will ever come to pass. Some of these children end up of slavery, become poorly, forced early marriages and often many others do not make it to adulthood. However, with your sponsorship, the story can be difference for the child that you sponsor.
Help us to make this difference happen today.

Impact of donations

Your donation could help give a child hope for life in many ways.

£10 per month

Within a year, this amount could cover the cost of shelter for a child for a day and take her out of forced slavery

£7 per month

This amount could pay for education materials for a child to go to school and gain a career to support herself

£3 per month

This could support the medical care and first aid items for a child who needs urgent medical attention.

Or choose your own amount to give

Why are we asking for a monthly donation?

Every donation made to Hope Missions counts, and we’re grateful for any gift you feel you can afford. A one-off donation will be a fantastic start, but issues that children and women face, like hunger, violence and poverty, are long-term problems, and they need long-term support to achieve long lasting impacts. Regular and continual donations would help Hope Mission to commit to working with children and women for as long as it takes.
A monthly donation from you helps us to take bold actions, to support and their communities, making real impacts to make sustainable difference. Please help us to create a better for children and women; and for the poorest communities around the world.


Children need nutritious meals to enable them grow to become as healthy as they should. Your donation of £5 per month would enable us to provide nutritious meals for children and seeds and livestock for families to grow their own food and provide meals for their children.


For children in poorest communities, the only way out is for them to receive education. However for these children, there is no hope of being able to afford schoolbooks, fees, equipment and even a access to a school building. Your donation will help these children to have access to education.

Clean water

Many children and their families suffer from many ailments and thirst because they have no option but drink from dirty river waters; teemed with insects and waste. By helping us to build wells, purifying water sources, and better sanitation facilities, you will be helping many children and their communities to live healthily.


Your donations would help us to provide medical facilities and equipment as well as support our medical and dental teams to provide medical and nursing care to poorest communities in our world. We would be able to set up clinics, basic medical supplies and health education in these communities to care for various diseases and illnesses.

What Hope Mission does

Hope Mission are non-profit gift aid and international development and aid charity that reaches out to people especially children and women who live in the poorest part of the world.We focus on children and women because when they develop their potentials, they can make significant impact on their families and communities to achieve sustainability.

  • We equip women with skills and resources for income-generation activities so they become self-dependent
  • We protect children from harm by providing them with nutritious food, clean water and clothes for warmth as well as access to education and healthcare for healthy living
  • We advocate and lobby governments to abolish outdated practices such as FGM, child marriage, gender inequalities to ensure that we create prospects for better future for women and children.

How we spend your gift

For every £1p we spend

79p on charitable activities such as attending to emergencies and undertaking humanitarian development work.
9p on fundraising events
6p on service support costs
5p on campaign events and lobbying governments

We produce annual reports which are shared with our donors and sponsors. We believe that it is important to keep all our donors informed of how their donations are used for good causes they like to pursue. We demonstrate our commitment to donors through our supporters’ promise

Donating by post

If you’d CHOOSE to donate by post, please make out a cheque payable to HopeMissions UK, and send it to:

Supporters Team
HopeMission UK
Gateway Business Centre
210 Church Road
E10 7JQ

Contact us

We’re here to help. You can contact by:
Phone: +44 (0) 203 771 5653 or

HopeMission UK
Gateway Business Centre
210 Church Road
E10 7JQ

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Hope Missions Wordlwide, Registered charity in England and Wales (1138452). A company limited by guarantee, Registeredin England and Wales Company. Registered address:210 Church Road, Gateway Business Centre, Top Floor, Suite 1-12, London, E10 7JQ