Divine Life Ministries (DLM) is a church that believes in Jesus Christ, as the Only Saviour of the World.
Responding to the Mandate of Our Lord Jesus to Make His Love known to the World, We are on a Mission, To Help People to Meet Jesus and Be Equipped To Achieve their Destinies and Glorify God
(Eph 4: 11-16; 2 Tim 3:16-17)
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. Just as He did many great miracles when He walked the streets of Jerusalem, Judea, Galilee and the villages, He is still working miracles in the natons of the world. If only we can dare to believe nothing will be impossible in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazereth.
Be encouraged by the many testimonies of God’s miracles through His servants in our day. The blind are still seeing, the deaf are hearing, the cripple are walking and the dead are raised back to life in the name of Jesus Christ. God is True and His Word is True. Our Lord Jesus Christ promised that signs and wonders will follow those who believe in Him and true to His Word, miracles are happening. Only believe!
Ministry Events

Welcome Jesus Into Your Life Today!


Mission to The Homeless and the Destitute…
9:37am, 10/10/2019, London
Family Foundation Fellowship (FFF) Charity are on Mission to support the vulnerable and the destitute around the world …

Growing Tomorrow’s Leaders Today for the Future…
8:24pm 12/02/2010, London
With a vision to ensure that the Righteous Rule in our World, FFCC has set up the Future Leaders Conference in Accra, Ghana…

Ps Sam prophesies that God Is Doing A New Thing…
7:03pm, 26/10/2019, London
God’s End-Time Harvest Agenda will be unstoppable. A New wave of the Holy Spirit’s miracles will be commonplace…

Women of Virtue Seminars to support all women…
1:04pm, 11/11/2019, London
Ps. Sam is keen to support women – married, single and young to pursue their calling in the church, at home and in society…

Men of Hope Seminars” to quicken all men…
3.12pm, 08/01/2020, London
It’s God’s mandate to support men to take their role leaders at home and church and bring God’s kingdom down in our nations…

FFCC Youth Services – making Jesus Christ known to all..
12:05pm 13/03/2020, London
We have a vibrant Youth Service led by dymanic Youth Leaders who will inspire you to live above the status quo.. Join now!
DLM Radio and TV Programme
Get in Tune to Listen to Inspiring Messages of Hope and Salvation. Do Not Miss Out.

How You Can Get Involved
Call (+44) 203 643 5295 to Donate Or Contact Us to get Involved
Charity Fund
DLM have a mandate to support families and communities to thrive as part Of our contribution to create a viable and healthy societies. We recognize that many families are struggling to have daily meals, clothes and decent accommodations. We need you to support us so we can support families that are struggling.
Saving Lives & Building Families Since 1990
Children Placed
$ Raised
Homes Built
Saving Lives & Building Families Since 1990
What We Do
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Our Mission
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Become a Sponsor. Get Involved.
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