24Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything. 25Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her
(Eph 5:24-25)

In His Infinite Wisdom, God instituted marriage between a man and a woman. God established that “A man shall leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave to his wife, and they shall become one flesh” (Gen. 2:24). This institution by God makes marriage holy and unbreakable. The Lord Jesus Christ affirmed that: “What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate” (Matt. 19:6). This means that marriage should last until one of the parties involved dies (Rom. 7:2,3). Where these principles are confessed and observed, marriage enjoys God’s blessing, even though, because of human weakness, mutual love and the continuation of life together are at times under severe strain, misunderstanding and confusion.

DLM Marriage Conference is a non-denominational gathering of Christians and non-Christian who are searching and seeking to know Jesus and improve their marriage. The aim of the Conference is to provide an environment for married couples (Husband and Wife).


We believe that Our Lord wants every marriage to experience peace, love, fruitfulness and every blessing that we can image. However, we also know that the enemy who sought to destroy not only the marriage between Adam and Eve but every marriage.

But we have the God who create the institution of marriage and if we rely on Him and His directions, He will help us to renew our marriages, strengthen our families, and ultimately transform our society. DLM Marriage Conference is a network of married couples from many different Christian denominations and backgrounds who believe in strong, pure and viable marriages.


We believe in God’s plan for stronger, lasting and renewed marriages that lead to healthier families with God-fearing children who grow up to believe in Christian Marriage. As part of our Conferences, we take time to invest quality time in prayer to God to transform the current unpleasant trends in marriage and families in the UK and beyond.

The Conference is a special initiative designed to for married couples. It is meant to give them, time and space to reflect on their lives and their marriages and to surrender their lives to Jesus Christ for His leading.For others, the Conference is a time to be inspired and provoked to make amends and rekindle their love for each other. Married couples are supported to take radical steps to under the direction of the Holy Spirit to make lasting impacts on the marriages.

Registration and admissions to the Conference are done online.

There are several sessions within the Conference. These practical sessions are specially designed to suit the various age-ranges. They are full of practical, motivating and insightful exercises which are intended to encourage each attendee to plan and execute a project at the end of each session. This way the married couples learn how to plan their time to achieve something tangible in their marriages. The Conferences provide times of refreshing.

For more about the Marriage Conference, please register below.


The Marriage Conference helps couples to take time away from the busy schedules of life and focus on their relationships and plan to build a strong, happy, life-long marriage. All lasting marriages must have long-life marriage plan. It takes both the husband and wife to invest in shared priorities and in keeping the fun and focus on God-given mission for life. DLM Marriage Conference are held 8 times in a year, as an opportunity for you to get away from the pressures of life and create space to refocus on your relationship in a quiet and serene environment.


All married couples who are keen to have a long-lasting relationship are welcomed. Mo matter how long you have been married, or your ages, you will benefit from having the time to focus on the relationship. All marriages experience time of bloom and periods of struggle in different aspects of our marriage but we continually trust God to help us renew and strengthen our marriages. We hope you will prayerfully consider to join one of our Conferences and become a significant part of you continuing to grow together.

We pray God’s blessing on your marriage, and hope to see you soon. To attend one of Marriage Conference 2020. The Conference details can be found here.

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