2019 Annual Report
DLM Church United Kingdom
Each year, Divine Life Ministries Church Leaders hold an Annual Meeting (officially the “Annual Leadership Church Meeting”). The meeting is focused on discussing church affairs and presentation of the accounts for the previous year.
We produce two reports and these are available to read or download online:
- The Annual Report including Accounts– this is the official report of the charity, produced for the Charity Commission. This report includes our inspected accounts and an account of some of the year’s activities as well as lists of (for example) members of Trustees.
- The Annual Review Report is an assessment report of the church’s activities in achieving goals set for the year. This report produces evidence of success and areas requiring improvement to help set goals for achieving the Vision of the Church.
For the past 5 years, the Church members have remained dedicated to living in obedience God and His direction, demonstrated his love to new people who join the church and those outside the church and jealously guard our hearts and serve God joyfully. We value the people who have made a commitment to be part of DLM and the subsidiary institutions and are thankful for their stanch support to the vision of our church. Through the genuine faith and contribution of our members, we can reach one person, one community and one city at a time for the Lord Jesus Christ.
With increasing number of people enrolling as members of the DLM and not as mere visitors, we are seeing the Lord fulfilling His promise to us in reaching hundreds of thousands of people over the coming years. We see the unflinching desire of the members to pray and cry unto God: “Let Thy Kingdom come! Let Your Name Be Glorified” and surely, the Lord’s Kingdom is here with us and spreading from home to home, street to street, community to community, city to city and nation to nation.
The message for this year was “Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of our Lord Jesus”. This theme reinvigorated our congregation to seek the Grace of God and the Leading of the Holy Spirit to strive to know Jesus Christ and what He has done for everyone us and our identity in Christ Jesus. This year’s message encourages each member to understand that when they accept Jesus Christ as their Saviour a New Life with a New Plan from God begins in their lives. This plan from God is to bless them and not to harm them to give them a hope and better future. Members are made to understand they have giftings from God and must pursue God until they know what they callings and giftings and to operate in their offices in the Church.
As a Church with the heart for the welfare of all people and families on Earth, we felt led by the Lord to set up the Ministry to the Destitute to help respond to the Our Lord’s commandment to care for the poor and the destitute. Our Actions are in respond to the word of the Lord: “I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’
In 2019, we launched a vibrant Youth Services led the Youth Ministers and providing practical daily living experiences for the young people to understand what church is about, their role in church and God’s plan for each of them. The Youth feel motivated and understand that they can live far above the world’s standards as dynamic victors and overcomers in Christ Jesus.
The General Church and Leaders’ Retreats have been instrumental in energizing church members to press on to get hold of God. This year our church continues to experience growth, as we see people rededicating their lives to the Lord and engaging in church programmes to see others come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Barbara and I are expectant and highly encouraged to see what the Lord has for us in the years ahead. We believe the year 2020 is a year where the Lord will enlarge the coast of our church. We believe God’s promise that He will add unto our church – DLM London – daily those who are being saved. We hold onto God’s promise for a New Church Building and welcome people from the East, West, South and the North into the church. We enter the year 2020 with great vision to reach UK and the whole world for the Lord. We look forward to the future with unwavering faith and trust the Lord Jesus Christ to do amazing things in our Lord. We encourage all members to step out and join us in the unity of faith to lay hold of all that the Lord has in store for us.
Rev. Dr. Samuel Ofori-Kyereh
Dr. (Mrs) Barbara Esther Ofori-Kyereh